2008 m. kovo 20 d., ketvirtadienis

Prisons of Lithuania and United Kingdom

A prison or a jail is a special place where convicted or arrested people, who waits for a trial, are kept. The trim there is strict, because convicted people are bad and they must be looked after carefully and responsibly. There are a lot of jails all over the world. Systems of lithuanian and british prisons are very similar. Special fact is that there is just one real prison in Lithuania that is called Lukiskių inquest isolator- the prison. Others are called penitentiary or workhouse and etc.
There are more than 85,000 prisoners in about 160 jails in UK. Reception methods here are similar like in Lithuania. All prisoners pass through a reception where they are checked, their identities and other things. They are given special clothes. After that they must see a nurse, who checks healthy boucle, use of drugs or other medication. In Lithuania is the same, apart from this that lithuanian prisoners do not wear special clothes, but common like everybody.
Accommodation conditions are better in UK. There are single cells and dormitories. There are showers, recreation areas, food survery, toilets in cells and TVs. Most of cells are modern, tidy and comfortable to live. But cells of Lukiskes prison look likle small smelly toilets with a bed. They are too small for a normal living.
UK's prisons have access to education: IT classes, cookerylessons, english lessons for foreigners. Jails offer a mix of course including professional qualifications.Convicts can study in Lithuania too. Education is free for them. Teachers and lectures come to prison to teach them every week.
Religion and faith are not forgetten. There multi-faith centres in prisons of UK. All prisoners can prey to their gods and take part in their religious mass or ceremonies. Sometimes faith makes them better and helps to survive in a jail. Religion mass are held in Lukiskes too. There is a russian church here.
Food is given 3 times per day in jails of UK. But a kitchen's budget is small, so food is common, but healhty. The same situation is in Lithuania, but in UK it is appointed 1,87 pounds per day and in Lithuania just 4,2 litas for each convict per day.
Exercise areas can offer gym equipment and sport hall. Sport helps to live healthy and sometimes to fight with drugs or other addiction. There is no gym in Lukiskrs, just walking areas.
Prisoners can be visited by their relatives. Visits take place in a designated room. Family visits with children are held once a month. Lithuanian visits system is very similar.
There are more than 100 children up to 18 months living in dedicated mother and baby units in the UK's prisons. It is appointed 17 pounds a week for a child support.
Some more facts about lithuanian penal institutions. There are about 11,000 convicts there. Living conditions are not so good as inforeign prisons. The building of Lukiskes is old and needs to be reconstrated. Lithuanian penal system is old fashioned and strict. Treatment of criminals is not appropriate.
Of course, either in Lithuania either in UK special rebilitation and adaptation programmes is going on in order to help criminals to save their humanity.