2007 m. lapkričio 6 d., antradienis
''Never Again" summary
People are still debating on capital punishment all over the world and opinions are very different. The first argument for capital punishment is the deterrence theory which would force murderers to think that they might also die if they were caught. Public security is very important, because a murderer, who is released from a prison, could be very dangerous for people. The argument of retribution or revenge says that a prisoner should suffer what he deserve. The last argument for is that keeping a murderer in prison is a wasting of taxpayers' money. But on the other hand, sometimes innocent people are wrongly convicted,so it would be unfair to punish them. The main argument against capital punishment is that it violetes human rights-nobody can take a life of anybody! Christianity requires forgiveness, but not a revenge and death penalty.
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1 komentaras:
Girena shows two different attitudes to death penalty in a very clear way. This summary is really informative for people who know nothing about capital punishment. To tell the truth this topic gives you emotional effect - you try to undestand which view is better for you.
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